Super high-quality 1:1 copy replica bag
soft bag in vintage calf leather, featuring chevron quilt overstitching and leather-encased cassandre.
spacious, with two compartments and a large back slot pocket.
features a sliding chain strap that can be worn on the shoulder or crossbody.
chrome and metal-free tanned leather
organic cotton lining
brushed palladium hardware
one exterior back pocket
magnetic snap tab
two interior pockets
dimensions: 11 x 7.8 x 3.3 inches
chain length: 11.8 to 20.8 inches
90% calfskin leather, 10% metal
Betsy –
OMG! I just received my bag and it is beautiful, it took about 5 weeks to arrive! I contacted customer service and they assured me that my bag is on the way! Great communication and it is exactly as described! When I received it, it was fully stocked and packed in a dust bag which was a nice touch.