Super high quality 1:1 mirror copy replica bag
7.1 X 6.7 X 3.1inches/18 X 17 X 8 CM
(length x Height x Width)
Style: 773995
Leather lining
Bronze hardware
Magnetic closure
Strap drop: 50 cm / 19.7 in
Handle drop: 8.5 cm / 3.3 in
Packing comes with Dustbag, Invoice, Cards and Box
Free shipping worldwide. 7-15 days’ shipping time in total. All orders will be shipped out within 24hours, the tracking number & tracking link will be updated to your email box after 2-3 days’ processing time.
30 Days money-back guarantee.
100% Satisfaction guarantee.
Melanie –
Let me tell you, the quality of this bag is amazing! It’s the perfect size for me, big enough to hold all my essentials but not bulky. The black leather is super soft and feels great to the touch. The iconic YSL logo is beautifully crafted. Overall, it was a great purchase and I will be back soon.