Super high-quality 1:1 copy replica bag
Style: 698643
Black leather
Gold-toned hardware
Black and orange stripe strap
Round Interlocking G
Double shoulder strap; leather with 21.4″ drop and canvas with 22.4″ drop
Magnetic closure
Mini size: 8.7″W x 5.1″H x 2.2″D (22*13*6cm)
Packing: Dustbag, Cards, Invoice and Box
Free shipping worldwide.7-15 days domestic via USPS/FedEX,7-18 DAYS international
100% Satisfaction guarantee
30 Days money-back guarantee
Nellie –
As a satisfied customer, I can’t help but recommend this site to my friends and family. Not only does this bag look great, but it also feels great and is well made. The leather is soft yet sturdy, and even when I put a lot of stuff in it, the bag still stays intact. I have to say, the details on this bag are really great.