Super high-quality 1:1 copy replica bag
Small size: 10″W x 5.5″H x 3″D(25*14*7.6 cm)
Black and ivory GG denim jacquard
Black leather
Antique silver-toned hardware
Cotton linen lining
Pin closure with side release
Pocket under the flap
Sliding chain strap can be worn as a shoulder strap with 23″ drop or can be worn as a top handle with 12.5″ drop
Packing: Box,Invoice,Cards and Dustbag.
Free shipping worldwide. 7-15 days domestic via USPS/DHL/Fedx, 7-18 days international.
30 Days money-back guarantee.
100% Satisfaction guarantee.
Davis –
At first I didn’t have a good impression of the bag, it was full of logos.
Later I discovered that this upper body is extremely beautiful and versatile.
The advantages are: good-looking, versatile, classic, timeless, large capacity
It has a large capacity and can hold a lot of messy things.
And I think leather is easy to care for, and I’m growing to like it.