Super high-quality 1:1 copy replica bag
Pink leather bag
Dimensions: 26x18x9.5cm
Packing: Dustbag, Cards, Invoice and Box
Free shipping worldwide.7-15 days domestic via USPS/FedEX,7-18 DAYS international
100% Satisfaction guarantee
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Fendi First Small
Fendi First Small
$369.99 $179.99
Melissa –
I am surprised and delighted with this bag. I ordered the correct bag, excellent quality! No defects! First class product. well done. Looks like the original! If you are considering purchasing from this site, I highly recommend it.
Julie –
This shopping experience was so great that I almost fainted as soon as I opened the package. I haven’t liked any other bag since I got it. It’s not a fluorescent pink, but a nude pink, and it’s made of smooth calfskin, giving it a creamy skin feel.